I want to tell you about an encounter I had about a week ago in the mall. I was just fresh from doing street evangelism and ministry on the coast of Canada. I was still looking for opportunities to minister to people and quite sensitive spiritually speaking to the things around me. As I went into the book store and started looking at bibles and the Christian section I noticed a man looking at the New Age section next to me. I didn't think much of it but then I started to discern spiritually a darkness or heaviness in the realm around me. I then started to receive knowledge about this man as I opened my ears to God I heard the word betrayal in my spirit. I then kind of looked at what he was looking at and felt like he was seeking something on a lost relationship. My eyes then glanced immediately to his ring finger. Their was no ring, their was a young boy that came over to him later and I assumed it was his son. As I begin to feel things out and wondering how I should approach him I felt a check and didn't really know what to do with it. It caused me to withdraw from that part and slowly walk somewhere else in the book store. I started praying for him and praying for those things that I felt and then I didn't know whether or not if I should approach him. Now in my mind I felt he was betrayed by someone a partner and that he was married at one time. I did not actually approach this man but I could tell what was going on inside me wanted out. As I retreated to a safe distance I then decided to leave the store and carry on my way. It was a weird feeling for me to leave him as it was because I felt the hurt and pain he was going through but yet I just couldn't approach him on the inside something wasn't right. I ended up leaving and felt somewhat out of the ordinary about the whole experience because their was something more that wasn't being said.
I then carried on and kind of left it in the back of my mind and I was sitting in the movie theater watching a movie. My heart was still hungry for God and as I sat in the middle of the movie and a good hour in the holy spirit started gave me knowledge on the events of what just happened.
Isaiah 11:3 - He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes or decide by what he hears with his ears ...
I had been praying this verse over myself for quite some time and I went back to it often in my mind from time to time. God expounded on how I formed an opinion that he was married and judged by what I saw with my eyes. In this case if I would have approached him and told him the words of knowledge i had "thought" I had received I could have made a bad name for "my" God. I know that he is his own defender but my flesh and misrepresentation of him would have led to more roads or whatever the case it could have turned out just fine. Either way it is a reminder to those who move in the prophetic and not even that but what goes into your ear must not be what forms in your mind as an opinion that is unmovable. Or by what you see with your eyes because then the fact is its hard to love those that we see if we form opinions. One of the greatest keys to hearing from God is not thinking. Sounds funny but when we allow ourselves to put the good in our minds and Love the Lord god with all your heart mind and soul it establishes honor and allows God to speak freely in our minds. Opinions also get in the way of hearing and operating in a ministry spirit because it holds back Gods eyes and how he views those people. We are human and Jesus did not judge by what he saw or by what he heard. We know that he only did what he saw his father doing and only spoke as his father did in heaven.
This is giving up your will and your life this is the cross Christ took to glorify his father. Speak life and not death our tongues our powerful and when we can steward our tongues and mouths and weigh our thoughts we show God that we our ready to receive his word for others.
God Bless you
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