Thursday, August 2, 2012


Recently, as I was sifting through facebook and reading some of the posts I was grieved in my spirit because often times I see so many bible scriptures posted out of context. The nature of God is a very hard concept to grasp if God has not breathed and made alive the texts in the bible. Now I know their are many aspects to the nature of God some that we are still learning and others that we think we know the depth and the width of them. Grace is a message that is very dear to my heart and I know that God is a God of grace. I know grace because of my passed experiences and the grace message is one that is at is becoming more and more on the move. First off grace is absolutely biblical and it is the very nature of God. Grace is found in justification. The unmerited favor or unearned favor we have with God is grace. In the New King James version we read  Romans 11:6 And if by grace, then it is no longer of works; otherwise grace is no longer grace. But if it is of works it is no longer grace; otherwise work is no longer work. 
As I begin to read more and more peoples view on grace I saw many verses of the bible quoted out of context saying that grace is demonic and using Matthew 7:21-22 as their scripture basis. I felt my heart twinge and ache because I was disgusted at the quality of God was used with little or no care at all. I wanted to type in the comment box all the feelings I had raging up inside of me. As I sat their staring at the computer screen I knew that my battle was not against flesh and blood. The devil wants us to team up with him and be the accuser of the brethren so I left it. I started telling God how I felt and how I understood grace as and then I asked him what grace was to him. Instantly I was reminded of the woman at the well. The story is found in John 4. I am not going to post it you can read it on your own. As we look at the story though we realize that Jesus, in the nature of God did not condemn the woman but offered her living water. Jesus loved her being a woman of "low stature" and out of his Jewish class. He did not look at the outward appearance but it was "the goodness of God" (Romans 2:4) that lead her to repentance and told the surrounding community about the Messiah. In all the other instances God gave undeserved grace, in healing, wholeness and deliverance to those who were afflicted by sin and in the darkness. How can they know their in darkness if their is no light?  The Holy spirit is the convicter (John 16:8) It has nothing to do with us pointing the finger and telling people their living in sin. We need heavens perspective on every aspect of our lives and other peoples lives. Christians are not exempt from the grace message, we still make mistakes we our not perfect ourselves and we are being sanctified continually. You see the goodness of God, know thing that when we sin blatantly and that God loves us not for what we do but for who we are, when we can come to believe that it empowers us to live in holiness. Grace in another definition of it means to empower. Their is a coming holiness movement that is not going to be like the holiness movement of the passed, where much law and legalism came out of. Don't hear what I am not saying I believe in holiness, the law and legalism part is religion. The grace movement is going to empower us to live in holiness by seeing the goodness of God it is going to open our hearts to understand who God is more and more. Grace is empowerment and Holiness is power.

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