I had an interesting encounter this weekend that really brought a new perspective to my understanding of who we are and what we need to do to fulfill what God has asked of us. Inside of us our gifts, abilities, love, encouragement, blessing, friendship, faithfulness and so on and so on. All brought on by what Christ did on the cross for each and every one of us. God has put a passion in my heart for teaching and leading others to a deeper walk with the living God. Specifically for the young people in my life right now and for the body of Christ. I believe that each and every one of us have it inside of us and for us not to share or pass on what we have is a slap in the face to our creator. The things he has put inside of you is for the body of Christ. Its not for you, its for your maker first and foremost secondly its for the body of Christ. God put us together and to work together and without a perspective like Abraham, building for things unseen or even a generation unseen then we have missed the mark. Hebrews goes on and on about the men of faith that walked in obedience(Action not inaction) to what God had asked them to do and now we look back at our forefathers and we should honor them because without them laying down their lives for us we would not be where we are today.
To submit to the will of God takes self sacrifice, it takes laying down your wants and your gifts and allowing God to use them for his glory. In the Exodus God approached Moses and Aaron and told them to go to Pharaoh and tell him, "let my people go so that they may serve me". This is the very reason why God frees us from the bondage we have in our lives. Much of the things we hold dear to or allow in our lives are because we have justified it. God would allow those things in our lives and maybe he hasn't asked you to give some of those things that take our time away but wouldn't we rather give up more out of honor and love for the one who sent his one and only son? Jesus gave up his will for the fathers and we owe him everything we have. I have made sacrifices in my life and laid down many things that I could use or watch in times I wanted to but out of the honor and love I had for the father I gave it up, He honored me as I did that because its a promise. Its much the same as grace we could chose to sin because we know that grace continues for us but what would your rather do? as the great Martin Luther stated.
Much of this is on my heart and it still hasn't gotten to my main point but many of these things touch on what I believe God wants you to hear out of this. I had a vision Sunday, I saw a girl who I recognized and as I pulled it back God expanded on much of it, I ended up seeing a girl I recognized that was their who I don't know very well. I saw her crying in her room and breaking down asking God if she should continue I saw her broken heart and much confusion going on in where she was assigned to. God very softly spoke you need to go and reaffirm her for I surely want her to continue where she is at. I kind of shrugged it off and went back into a time of worship, I didn't really know her for one, I didn't really know where she was but as I questioned this it didn't take me long to see her along the back wall with her hands raised. A song came on that made me thankful for God giving me a passion for the young people I had and to share what I had with others. God then spoke to me again and shared that the passion for young people not only is in me but that girl who he showed me. It was my duty to go and share what the Lord had showed me to reaffirm her in her ministry to empower the young people as well. I ended up going over awkwardly and introduced myself. I then said this may not make sense but I had a vision of you and I need to reaffirm you, her jaw dropped and said that makes total sense. It was in that instant that not only is our duty to empower the younger generations and tie into those around us but to empower other leaders who are on the same battlefield as well. Being open, and available for God to show us things because he is always willing to share with us but we are often caught up in our own affairs. While also being obedient to what he has asked because as servants like Samuel he waited on Eli until God called him and then he ministered unto the Lord, waiting and ready to go. Isaiah is another one that comes to mind, God shared with him many great things before God asked who am I going to send and Isaiah responded send me send me because he was willing and ready to go. God is not only about empowering others but I believe this season is about stepping out into those visions we have had for years prior, last night, today. God is going to bless them, I believe much what we are lacking is people's inaction. This is a promise God is going to honor you as you step out in those things that he has prepared for you, just make sure their his vision and not yours. Prepare yourself body of Christ for God is going to cause growth in 2012, growth beyond imaginable those that are stagnant he is going to cause you to flow out like a river, he is going to shake the walls of his church and loose us from our inaction. He is going to honor those that honor him and he is going to separate those goats from the sheep. We are going to see new leaders stepping into places of church leadership that our going to cause separation because those that have sat back and not done anything with what they have our going to be cast away until they repent and come after him with a whole heart. Those that have much are going to have little and those that have little are going to have much for the time is for the harvest saith the Lord. Matthew 6:33 seek first his kingdom and all this shall be added unto you. God will provide for those that are in need to empower them into new territory.
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