Thursday, January 19, 2012

Prophetic Decree

This came to my heart and what I really felt so many people come so hungry for prophetic words and really we don't want to add them to our key chain and say hey I got a word. We need to treat his word like Gold we need to thank him extensively for it because his word is a promise, its a decree, its a very desire from daddy's heart. He is the creator of the universe and if we don't walk in such a respect for it then you mine as well not even request one. I'm not about furthering my kingdom and inheritance but extending love to others to edify them, build them up closer to Jesus. In their walk and to see the Kingdom of God released in power and glory. I believe this is the Fathers heart, to walk in intimacy so we may manifest the very likes of the Kingdom through our being and shadows just as Peter had.

The Prophetic gift, in my opinion, is not taught on clearly or often enough. Which is why I feel that it has left a bad taste in many peoples mouths.  To Prophesy signifies “the speaking forth of the mind and counsel of God” Often people don’t understand that prophecy does not just relate to the foretelling, but that the prophetic gift relates to the past, present and future which entail other gifts in prophecy, like the word of knowledge and words of wisdom. To discern a situation is to have the ability to see what is going on in that person’s life at that present time to give life by speaking a word of truth to that person. God wants us to be as close to holy and righteous as we possibly can be on his strength and the grace that he has given us to empower us to live holy and righteous lives. The gift of prophecy when used for the kingdom matter and for what it is intended for then edifies, which is to build up towards Christ. Jesus was God, and God is love, Love is the empowerment which these gifts should be used with. 1 Corinthians 14, pursue love…that speaks forth what God desires of us that we pursue him, his love. 

This is a very short and concise view on the gift of prophesying and when used for the building up of it is a very powerful gift in the Kingdom of God. Often times I discern the present which is effective in its own way. Many people want foretelling of the events to come in their lives and God does reveal that, however more importantly is to be edified in your current life. God wants us to be close to him, he wants us to love him, with all our heart, mind and being. We have choices to make in our lives and when we pursue his kingdom, Matthew 6:33 comes in to play seek first my kingdom and all this shall be added unto you. It really is not about how many words we can get in a day, month or year. God wants us to come to him and to pursue him wholeheartedly so he can reveal these words to us personally. That is what he wants of us that we are like Moses, Face to Face. 

Numbers 12:6-9 (ESV) Hear now my words: If there is a prophet among you I, the Lord make myself known to him in a vision; I speak to him in a dream Not so with my servant Moses: He is faithful in my house. I speak with him face to face Evenly plainly, and not in dark sayings; and he sees the form of the Lord. Why then were you not afraid To speak against my servant Moses? So the anger of the Lord was aroused…..

If we go onto  read God defended the words that they spoke against Moses earlier in which they spoke. God wants us to be like Moses, face to face that we pursue him and that we are “faithful in his house”. That requires us to put down our lives like Moses did, like Jesus did and to pick up our cross even unto death. So may this edify you to seek his face, because he does not want half heartedness or just another word spoken. He wants us to pursue him for the word of the Lord. 
Bless you, I pray that this will lead you to a higher understanding of the Prophetic as well as my goal here, for us to be men and women of God who go face to face with God to lead people into the promises of his Kingdom. Praise his great and mighty name.
- Alvin Kaufmann-
  Owner& Operator 

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