A blog dedicated to equipping the saints with a further knowledge of the kingdom of God. Jesus taught on the kingdom of God we should be teaching on the kingdom of God to release power. The Gospel is not dead, it is full of power.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Love the Lord God with all your mind
The lord put this on my heart and he spoke to me and told me to write about this, He told me that many want to hear his voice but their are so few that love the lord their God with all their mind. Their are often times in my own life where I go through season of allowing things to pass through such as movies, music, pictures, facebook and my mind filter gets clogged up with things. I am a big sports fan and I watch baseball, I like to play fantasy baseball as I have been doing this I notice myself getting distracted by it. I don't think that it is wrong to play things like this considering it is a silly thing in the first place the value it has in my heart is entertainment and fun. He is about entertainment and fun but when we find even the littlest things coming up in our mind when were in the midst of doing a bible study and finding it distracting then it becomes a problem. Our minds our the very nature of how God speaks to us, as well as the devil. I got this image of a cluttered mind as I was sitting in my room today waiting on the Lord, he said so many people have put so many things in their head that they can't hear from him. Its a cluttered mess. When you start to honor God in what you input in to your mind you are going to notice things ease up anxiety is going to go, instead of that worry a promise is going to filter in. When you start to focus on God you won't be filled with what happened last night on Gilmore Girls or whose going to win the Stanley Cup. The Western world is filthy with distractions and every thing the enemy can slip in and make you distracted by God allows him to get the upper hand. I am not about to argue with you if its right or wrong to watch this or that I don't believe that is what he is getting at. I believe that if we really wanted to hear from God for ourselves or really wanted to live a life style pleasing to God the TVs would go out the door the radios would not be turned on the computers would be full of sermons and mp3s of Christian artists. Why because to honor and to exalt God in our minds takes more than the hour or two hours of listening or reading the word it takes a habit that forms into something we can't live without everyday. I am in no means close to coming to being pure in thought but my mind is precious and God speaks to me and when my filter gets plugged up I need to start pushing in the word of God and really honoring God with what I input. I don't make excuses for what I put in but I know this when I say I love God I want to say I love you with my actions. He honors those who honor him its a biblical principle at the very heart of God, spend time deep in the word and when you don't feel like doing that then start listening to sermons, and music, soaking music allowing God to consume your mind will let him speak to you more clearly, cleanse your mind allow him to consume it. David was a man of meditation on the law, sin starts with a thought, actions start with a thought we need to control what we put in and really ...we demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ 2 Cor. 10:5 The battle of the mind starts with the washing of the word in the mind, perhaps we need to start repenting of what we have put in and allowing those strongholds to be exposed by the truth. Stop cluttering it up and stop making excuses and justifying what you put in, put in truth and you will get truth, our mind is precious to him and we are to be Christ like their is no in betweens we are either for him or against him!
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