Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hearing the voice of God

Here's a quick way to understand how God speaks to us which can help simplify it. I use to think that God only spoke to people that prayed and fasted for 40 days or who had a name like Elijah, Rick Joyner, Graham Cooke, but thats totally not the case. 
As the Lord started to speak to me ever so clear after a prayer session I had alone with him it was the voice or the small though impression in my head overlapped the rest of them. Perhaps you can relate it this way as well, when your reading the bible and the lightbulb comes on and its like a thought was just completed in your head. That is what you would call a revelation or knowledge, supernaturally knowing something you didn't know before or could have known on your own. This is how God speaks to us in our mind, a revelation though changes our understanding(heart) so that we can better understand our creator. This is what Paul prayed for over the church of Ephesus in Ephesians 1:17-18. The spirit of revelation and wisdom, that we might know God better. Why would we want to know God better? Hosea 4:6 says my people are destroyed for their lack of knowledge!  It goes on in that verse and says I will forget you because you have forgotten me. They have not done what God asked them to do!Their our times in my life where God has asked me to do something and I haven t done it. You want to see God move in your life its hearing and doing what he has asked us to do, whether that be in our own lives or doing something for others. Faith comes by hearing- that word Faith in the greek means, "to persuade". But to hear you have to listen! Where do you listen, often times our hearts our in turmoil because we overturn the thoughts in our head and justify us with our minds not with the thoughts he has given to us. This is why he has asked us to love the lord god with all your heart all your soul and all your mind. When we love on God in our minds we then revolve thoughts around him constantly, we praise him we sing to him, we worship him, we meditate on the word their are so many ways to do this but it starts with a habit. My one goal in my life was to cut the junk out when I turned my life around to the Lord and I did that! As i begin to feed my mind, sermons, the word of God, songs, praises and prayers in my heart God begin to slip in revelation often to the scriptures I was meditating on. This is one common thing we see David doing meditating on the Law of the Lord, or Meditating and remember the great things God did before hand. He was loving on God in his mind, this is what i believe it means to Love god with our minds, the things we put into it honor God. 
When I realized how God spoke to me in a more clear way after that one day, I realized how many times he was speaking to me before but didn't recognize it because it was truly the still small voice. My mind then over thought it, I would ask him to speak to me and he would and I would be like that wasn't really God No way and then I would ask him to do it again sometimes he would and sometimes he wouldnt. I like to call it that fleeting thought, their are times now when I ask God for something and he gives it to me before I'm done asking, its literally that fleeting thought that just goes rushing through your head. 
The next thing that I am going to speak on, is this......We have a blank canvas in our minds now we can determine what thoughts our fleshly or of the devil by the understanding of who he is in the bible and our own lives. This is an easy way to understand this: Close your eyes......Let your mind go to picture this: Your front door of your house/apartment/cottage/shack wherever you live........Now walk through the door!? .........Or picture your car? picture you driving it? get a blank slate out.....and ask the Lord to speak to you on your canvas. or ask him to give you a picture for a friend around or your mom and dad. Ask the Holy Spirit to embelish on it, if your not sure of what it is ask the Holy Spirit what it is, and listen to that first thought! 
It may take time to quiet your mind enough and put it at ease to hear from God but the more time you practice being quite (Psalm 46:10 be still and know that I am God) the easier it becomes, love the lord with your mind! He will honor you in every effort you use to hear from him, don't get disheartened its his desire that everyone hears from him clearly but we need to take up our part to put the things of God in our life. When he said be Holy as I am Holy, be set apart as I am set apart he really meant it. We need to give up the things we think we need to have to fill our time, fill our minds, fill our hearts. Our understanding is changed by God and by our surroundings, our hearts our sensitive to the things around us more than we often realize in a western sense because its hiding behind all the other things coming at us. God wants us to be like Isaiah 11:3-4 states: and he shall not judge by the sight of his eyes nor decide by the hearing of his ears but with righteousness he shall judge the poor and decide with equity for the meek of the earth He shall strike the earth with the rod of his mouth and the breath of his lips he shall slay the wicked.
God is in the business of speaking to those who listen all throughout the bible we see that he speaks to us and often we don't hear him because 1)we don't want to 2) our hearts our hardened 3)we don't recognize the voice.
Press in I pray this will make it easy to hear from the Lord, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any areas that are holding you back from hearing, you may need to repent of self reliance or maybe sin is hindering it or other issues. When you do ask him, be aware the first thought or impression you get in your heart is him speaking to you! Bless you all I pray this blesses all who read and if you have any questions let me know!

Ask the Holy Spirit for a word for me or an image and email me it! I will get back to you, I want to have everyone growing in the voice of God. I will write/teach something on the word of knowledge that I briefly spoke about in this article soon. God bless you all! (yet again!)

Alvin Kaufmann